Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Is it nauseous or nauseated?... and all about the "Friend Zone"

Hello everyone,

My apologies for those who have relied on my words to carry you through your dull and sometimes unfulfilling work days. For those of you in that category, I fully expect you to be able to recite my last 5 entries verbatim and without peeking. ;) I'll call you later tonight to quiz you.

For those of you "normal" folks... welcome back to the next installment of my ramblings here inside my thought repository:


I recently came across an interesting rant on the misuse of the English language, specifically, the difference between 'nauseous' and 'nauseated' (http://phrogz.net/nodes/nauseous.asp). Essentially, the argument is that we have misused these two words so often that it has become an acceptable error in the popular vernacular. Most people aren't even aware that they are misusing the word 'nauseous'.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary (and many other reputable dictionaries), nauseous is listed as an adjective meaning:
(1) Causing nausea; sickening: "the most nauseous offal fit for the gods" (John Fowles); (2) Usage Problem Affected with nausea.
Nauseated is an adjective that means to feel, or cause to, feel nausea.

So the next time a roller coaster ride (or a cab ride after a night of drunken revelry) makes you feel queasy, remember that the ride was nauseous but you, in fact, feel nauseated. Interestingly, even scholars who criticize the misuse of nauseous to indicate 'feeling nausea', they themselves are guilty of classifying things that make people nauseous - such as roller coasters and cab rides - as nauseous and NOT nauseating.


For some reason, I have had several conversations lately with my friends about friendships, hooking up, general dating, and the dreaded "friend zone" that "nice guys" tend to find themselves in. In the spirit of offering sage advice and general feedback, I refer you now to the online men's magazine Womopo

(What is Womopo? Womopo is an online men's magazine with one simple mission: help men become better men in every way. The site delivers weekly content helping men improve their skills and knowledge with women, money, and power.)

For my insecure male friends (or just the ones who feel they're always put on the back burner when talking to girls only to find themselves as "just friends") and to my female readers, here's some food for thought:

"Top 5 Ways Guys End Up in the Friend Zone"

"How To Tell You're in the Friend Zone"

"How To Get Out Of The Friend Zone in 3 Steps"

I wonder if this will spark conversations among you and your friends. If so, feel free to comment and sound off on what you agree with what you disagree with. Or just let me know how you (and others) reacted to this.


Well... It has been a long week first week of 2009 (in a good way) and I need to get back to my normal sleep patterns... lol.

Until next time, faithful reader....


Anonymous said...

I have a copy of Art of Seduction. Funny story: the girls at the comedy club (all like 20 of us) were talking about which seducer and victim they were and knowing me they told me to walk away and not buy the book. Reverse pyschology and all the years of I can do it better attitudes later. I agree with them. But it gives you a better chance of scoring and not being the victim to seducers. Guaranteed. Just remember to not fall back on default actions or you'll end up reading this article. Good Luck

beWILDerin_lyfe said...

aaaahhh... so I can say I'm nauseated by your intellectual prowess eh? LOL... I loved this post man. Very helpful.

As we speak I am dragging and dropping the womopo link on my tool bar. Yes, this friend's zone business is a bad deal. I guess is hard being a jerk or a jerk at opportune times simply to "shake it up."

And in regards to the comment on this post. I also have a copy of that book. Never quite finished it since it seem more of reference book, I guess I expected more from it.