Friday, July 24, 2009

Apology, Thank You, and Tweets

I suppose this should be directed to those readers who, in all likelihood, are no longer regular visitors to RaUM. Damn. Well here goes:

I've gotten really long-winded in my posts the last few months. I'm gonna try and keep the entries more concise. Sorry for forcing you to read through 1,000+ word entries filled with nonsense and frivolity. I'm not apologizing for the content, just how much of it appears in recent posts. =)

With that said, I'd also like to send out a HUGE 'thank you' to those of you who have stuck around. I appreciate the follows and general readership. I hope I've managed to keep you mildly entertained and offered a worthwhile distraction at work, at home, at the airport (you know who you are!), or anywhere else in the world you may have been.

Here are a selection of tweets I posted via @agsilver51 during July 2009:

1 - It's going to take A LOT to get this smile off of my face!!! =D
(7:12 PM Jul 1st)
[It also served as my Facebook status for that day. No... it wasn't because I got laid. lol. But the month started off on the right foot]
2 - I'm starting to think the American population is getting dumber by the generation! smh. Either that or I must be brilliant! (1:58 PM Jul 2nd)
3 - NBC should be embarrassed showing Roddick-Murray on tape delay rather than broadcasting it live. What an insult! (12:19 PM Jul 3rd )
[I was genuinely incensed when I realized NBC was not showing the Wimbledon's men's final live. What a bad decision!]
4 - The envelope with swabs is in the mail. Feeling good after completing the last step to be a part of the 'Be The Match Registry' (3:40 PM Jul 4th)
[I had to rub the swabs against the inside of my mouth, four times. I can't wait to see if I can actually do some good and help a person out with, what will amount to, a small sacrifice.]
5 - RT @citycynic: At exactly 12:34pm and 56 seconds today, it will be 12:34:56 7/8/09!!! Beat that, math nerds! (bwo @theropolitans) (10:24 AM Jul 8th)
[That was, admittedly, kinda cool!]
6 - Just heard Kings of Leon's "Use Somebody" on Z100. I've got mixed emotions about this. (4:51 PM Jul 11th)
[Even my boy in VA was telling me about this 'new song' he heard. He was shocked to know this song was released months ago on rock stations around the country.]
7 - OK. I know the AL has been dominant in years past but I say P.Fielder wins the #HomeRunDerby tonight #mlb (8:11 PM Jul 13th)
["Experts" said he was too big and would tire before it was over! Needless to say I was quite proud of myself for having called it! =D]
8 - *sigh* Patience is a virtue that I will always have to work on. (4:08 PM Jul 16th)
9 - Made it to VA after being pulled over b/w Baltimore and DC. Off to bed after Wii Sports for an hour. (6:12 AM Jul 17th)
[I got pulled over for speeding and tailgating but got off with just a warning for tailgating. WHEW!]
10 - I'm starting to believe I'm her "non-gay, 'gay' friend" (3:24 PM Jul 19th)
[Something my best friend told me recently and after talking to the fellas at the reunion, I see what he meant.]
11 - There is no "manly" way to eat a corn dog. There just isn't! (4:22 PM Jul 19th )
[My boy Javon was eating a corn dog and I gave him a hard time every time he took a bite. I can't see how men can eat a corn dog and not have it look "manly".]
12 - Lessons learned through others' experiences: Don't pick your nose around the time your alarm will go off, you may hurt yourself (10:02 PM Jul 20th)
[Words of wisdom from my roommate!]
13 - If I were a cannibal, I'd like to eat myself. I think I'd be rather tasty (1:53 PM Jul 21st)
[When I posted this as my Facebook status I had a lot of comments reacting to it. I stand by this statement. I TRULY think I'd be a tasty treat for a cannibal.]
14 - Sweet! ~~RT @grantimahara I fully endorse any table that has bacon, ninjas, and robots. "The Periodic Table of Awesome" (8:26 PM Jul 21st)
[Check out element #11 for a LOL or 2]
15 - Teaching stats and playing craps: I may have found my calling in life! #livingthedream (12:59 PM Jul 23rd)
[The two things I happen to love in life, esp. since I have never lost money at a craps table]

Until next time, faithful reader......

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reunions and Looking Forward


It occurred to me today that I managed to upload pics from my trip to VA this past weekend to my Facebook profile but I still haven't posted my pics of my cousin Nelson's visit to NY yet!! What's wrong with me... smh. AH YES! I remember what happened now... Problems with the Facebook photo uploader. [Update: I managed to make it work while writing this blog entry. Hooray Beer!]

Speaking of VA, I HAD A BLAST this weekend catching up with old childhood friends in Richmond. This was the first time that all of us have been together under the same roof in almost a decade. We even made time (at the last possible minute, of course) to recreate the photo we took the last time we were together on that cold December night years ago back in T's house. This reunion also included a few new additions to the 'family' (a high school friend of T and Lex, and Lex's girlfriend, Cyn).

The only regret I have from this past weekend (it's a minor one, mind you) is that I missed out on the chance to check out the bar scene in downtown Richmond. I will say, though, that visiting Busch Gardens and spending time with childhood friends was a fair trade-off. On a related note, Busch Gardens was surprisingly fun and was better than Six Flags in NJ, if I do say so myself.

What else do I have planned, you ask? What's next for me?
Well... after talking with the fellas... we're trying set up a week-long cruise in Sept/Oct to the Caribbean. It'll be a chance for all the single guys of the crew to hang out and do our thing. Sorry Lex, though I'm sure you'd rather spend the time with Cyn anyway. =)

A few days ago, I had announced on Twitter that I was considering stopping by Atlantic City to get some money to go on this cruise (without having to tap into any savings) to which a friend responded: "geez vegas, road trips, ac, and a cruise! Lol crazy." I suppose it is... but I'm loving every second of it!!

To add to that "crazy" list of activities, I'm considering going skydiving in late August right before the Fall '09 semester starts. I'd prefer to do this with a friend but I'm willing to do it solo if no one steps up to join me. Anyone down?

I may also get my tattoo once the summer is over. I'll probably do it at the start of the school year (with that first paycheck of the semester). Some of you may have heard me talking about it since the start of the year but when deciding between ink or traveling, sight-seeing won over every time. I am serious about getting it so you can expect it to happen before the year's end.

There are a few things to sort out in my life between now and the end of the year but everything will happen in due time. Maybe I'll write about it next time, who knows.

Nevertheless, I have visions of craps tables in my head and may head out to Atlantic City soon. I've been dying to go since I've been back from Vegas. Wish me luck in case I decide to go!


I added a new MCB playlist today. It's been a while and my apologies to those of you who actually tuned in weekly for them in the past. This week's playlist features Beatles songs. No real reason other than it's great music that will never go out of style.

I'm also working on some new "Ultimate" playlists so keep your eyes open for that. For those who haven't read some of my earlier writing, the 'Ultimate's are lists of quintessential songs that define a genre and are must-haves in anyone's mp3 collection. They're an excellent starting point for people that are new to a particular genre looking to build their musical collection. I've completed playlists for Salsa, Bachata and Freestyle thus far. The genres I plan to tackle next are Vallenatos, Merengue, and Samba. When considering 'Ultimate's for English music, it gets a little more complicated but I will probably work on songs by genre and decade (a.k.a. rock from the 80's, R&B from the 90's, etc)


I'll leave you with this thought, borrowed from a blog I stumbled upon today:


I'd dare to make more mistakes next time.
I'd relax, I'd limber up.
I would be sillier than I've been this trip.
I would take fewer things seriously, take more chances, take more trips.
I'd climb more mountains and swim more rivers.
I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans.
I would perhaps have more actual troubles, but I'd have fewer imaginary ones.
You see, I'm one of those people who lived seriously, sanely, hour after hour, day after day.
I've had my moments, and if I had to do over again, I'd have more of them.
I've been one of those persons who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat, and a parachute.
If I had my life to live over, I would start going barefoot earlier in the spring, and stay that way later in the fall.
I would go to more dances, I would ride more merry-go-rounds, I would pick more daisies."


Until next time, faithful reader......