Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Failed Blog Topics... or The Unpublished Posts of 2008

Greetings friend,

I sincerely hope this entry finds you in good spirits in this "New Year" 2009!


In the several weeks that I have been blogging, I have come up with many ideas while away from a computer that I would scribble on Post-Its, napkins, or any other surface that would accept ink from a ballpoint pen (except for my skin... that's so 6th grade!). The ideas have ranged from the deep and profound to asinine and nonsensical. Some have been published and others have laid dormant in my "Drafts" folder.

I am about to unveil a few of the ideas from 2008 that didn't make it to the "Published" phase of my blog. Enjoy!

-- writing about New Yorkers' negative attitude towards... well... just about everyone!
This idea was proposed by a friend of mine when I was struggling with a bout of writer's block. I wasn't particularly moved by the idea since I know NYers get a bad rap when it comes to how we deal with strangers. But we're not nearly as bad as we're reputed to be.

Before you start demanding my head on a platter, understand that I am fully aware that the majority of us are, in fact, jerks. Most of us wouldn't lift a finger to help another in need and would snicker at someone who is asking for directions and go about our day (either that or guide the person in the opposite direction). All in all, we're really not that terrible. At least, not terrible enough for me to write about.

-- Excerpts from the insecure man's diary
I had this idea of starting a "diary" that would describe the actions and thoughts of an insecure young male. Some of the stories would be taken from personal experiences (exaggerated, of course) but mostly it would just be a reflection of typical "shy guy" behavior.

However, I didn't think I really had enough to work with. Also, though I had some setups for a few passages, I just didn't care enough about the "insecure man". I might revisit this but I sincerely doubt it.

-- Anything related to my father
I'm sure that there will be a future post that will be related to him in some capacity or another. But, to be honest... I've given too much time, energy, and thought to him throughout the majority of my adult life and I just need a break from him for a while. For those who don't know, I haven't had any contact with my father since my senior year of high school... by choice. If you want to know why... Let's just say he was not a nice man to my family.

-- Rewriting lyrics to popular holiday songs
This was a sure-fire blog abortion waiting to happen. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Alkie, Frosty the "Snow"man, etc.

I can keep going but let's just leave this idea buried and forgotten forever. We shall never speak of this again! lol.

-- The breakup of my engagement
For some fairly obvious reasons, I chose not to write about this.

It's not so much because it's a painful memory to revisit or because it was a terribly sad moment of my life. On the contrary, it was huge relief to have such a mature, rational conversation with a well thought out resolution to our relationship. It propelled me to continue full throttle into the new credo I had adopted of seeking out people, things, and activities that make me happy and bring joy to my life.

The two main reasons why I didn't write about the break-up are:
(1) it's a very personal experience and it's not MY story to share. It's OUR story. For as much as I love opening up on this blog about many topics, there are some things I feel should be kept close to the vest. This happens to be one of them. Also...
(2) everyone else has reacted pretty badly to our break-up. Some took it so hard that I almost felt bad that I even mentioned it after seeing how heartbroken they were with the news. Others refuse to believe that we really are OK with our decision to split. They keep insisting that we are simply hiding our true feelings and that they will erupt one day despite repeatedly reassuring them that we know this is in the best interest of us both.

Time will surely prove them wrong and they'll learn to accept our decision. But I certainly won't be blogging about it.


Well those are the failed blogs of 2008. I hope you enjoyed them. Rest assured that it was better to digest these ideas in this form rather than reading the full blog version! Trust me!!

Until next time, faithful reader.....

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