Thursday, January 1, 2009

Not Exactly New Year's Resolutions... More Like Life Goals.

Welcome to the year 2009, faithful reader:

I hope you all enjoyed yourselves this past New Year's Eve.

My goal this New Year's Eve was to do something different. Something that was outside of my comfort zone. I did accomplish that goal. Yet, I wasn't surrounded by friends and loved ones and I underestimated how lonely that would make me feel (despite having a decent time on NYE). It was strange to be surrounded by goombas and guidettes who are rolling in their tight little circles with a male-to-female ratio of nearly 3-to-1.

As the ball dropped in Times Square, the countdown was on. Despite watching it on the flat screen TV's scattered around the bar, the patrons still managed to mess up the countdown with loud, inebriated voices. I found myself seated next to a little old Italian man in a tan sweater and thought to myself "Is this what my life has become?" LOL. I'm kind of glad I didn't have a kiss at midnight considering the options immediately around me. (it was a sausage factory, after all)

Don't get me wrong. Free booze and free dinner on NYE is not a terrible consolation prize especially when considering a female friend was my benefactor last night. (Wait... now that I think about it... was I expected to put out? LOL) It certainly wasn't the way I thought I'd end up spending this NYE but I don't regret it.

I suppose in the spirit of the season, I'm obligated by social norms to lay out a series of resolutions that I plan to work on throughout the year (or completely ignore and bitch about later in the year as I start a self-induced pity party). I personally think resolutions are BS. If we were serious about making a change in our lives, we shouldn't rely on January 1 to be the start date (though I certainly understand how symbolically useful it is). It's the old "Be the change you want to see in the world" philosophy. Rather than provide you with a list of resolutions, I'll leave a checklist of things (life goals, if you will) that I hope to accomplish in my lifetime. Let's see how many of these things I can scratch off the list in 2009:

- Teach a class (this is imminent but it stays on my list until the first day of class. I take nothing for granted.)
- Drive cross country (East-West)
- Drive cross country (North-South)
- Have kids (yes plural... I think kids need a sibling)
- Travel for the first time to (international): Egypt, Italy, Greece, Australia, Chile, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, southern France, Japan
- Travel for the first time to (domestic): Washington DC, Pheonix, Los Angeles, San Diego, Alaska
- Revisit: Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Colombia, Miami
- Go on a cruise
- Karaoke (for real: with the desire to actually sing a little and not due to peer pressure... lol)
- Write a short story
- Learn to play the guitar
- Learn to make paella
- Buy a house
- Fall in love again
- Have LASIK surgery (I love wearing glasses but sometimes it's a bit of a drag)
- Create a new alcoholic beverage to serve at parties
- Forgive my father rather than simply live with who he is and what he did
- Walk my daughter down the aisle at her wedding (clearly I would NEED a daughter first to be able to do this... lol)
- Learn to fluently curse in 3 languages, then 5 languages, then 8, then 10 (I think I'd stop at
- Get a tattoo (one that is meaningful and has personal value to me. Not just one that I picked out of an artist's portfolio)
- Learn to dance the tango
- Take a yoga class (I'd probably hate it but I'd like to try it at least once)

There's more... I know there is... I just can't remember any other things I'd like to add. I'll throw more things on here as they come to me. Consider this a starter list for my life goals. =)

I also have a short list of things I'd like to work on for the year. These aren't resolutions, per se. They're just a list of things I'd like to start correcting during the next phase of my life. Considering this is more personal and not something I'm willing to openly share, I'm leaving some words "blank". You can then play along by trying to guess the words (like a lame version of Mad Libs - without the parts of speech):
- Learn to separate ---------ship from --------ity
- Learn to ---st others
- Learn to eliminate lingering s--- d---t
- Learn to not question the m-----s of others
- Don't sweat the details. Simply, enjoy the ride and live life!

Until next time, faithful reader....

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