Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last post of 2008: My Fitness Goals

This is the last post of 2008!!! (In case you didn't read the title... hahaha)

Thanks for those of you who've been following my journey thru the last few weeks. This blog has been a lot of fun to maintain (and to vent on). I hope the new year will bring many new memories that I will remember for years to come: new experiences, new places traveled to, reconnecting with old friends, and cherishing the times spent with those around me.

One of the things that has helped make the end of this year so special for me is seeing the results of my "hard work" as it relates to my health and fitness.

During the holiday season of 2007, I tipped the scales at 225 (roughly... it may have been more but that's the heaviest I ever actually saw on a scale). I didn't think anything of it but I knew I was the biggest I had been in my life. I knew any change would have to be gradual and I couldn't expect to drop 25 pounds in 5 weeks. I also felt like I didn't have much time to dedicate to the gym or to working out at home.

I made small changes early in the year. I had decided (around the early Spring) to stop snacking cold turkey. Any time I had an impulse to reach for a cookie, brownie, piece of cake, etc. that was lying around the house, I'd reach for something else. Other times I'd stop and consider whether I really wanted the snack or if it was merely a reflex reaction to seeing the snack nearby. I've stopped drinking soda years ago and replaced it with water so I knew that small changes such as these would benefit me greatly.

The next thing I did, in late spring, was buy a treadmill. I was afraid that it would become an oversized coat hanger but I have been putting it to use occasionally. Even if it was just to walk, I managed to get on it frequently enough that I got used to doing some physical activity in the house (this was a HUGE mental hurdle... definitely a good thing!!). I even started dreaming of running a marathon in two years (a reasonable goal). Now that may NEVER happen but at least I felt good having goals that seemed well within my reach if I chose to go for it.

I was finishing up my graduate studies in the first half of 2008 and didn't really dedicate any serious time to working out. I only made a slight change in diet (stopped snacking). I knew this was not going to be enough and by the time I finished my thesis in August, I weighed around 216-217. By September, I had time to go back to the gym on a regular basis (and actually USE the freaking membership to Bally's that I keep paying for every year!!), I noticed a rapid change in my physique and weight.

I have been harping on my weight in this post and want you to know that I'm aware that weight isn't the end all be all to personal fitness. I weighed around 150 lbs. from junior high school through the end of high school (I grew into my body... lol). My sedentary lifestyle 'earned' me an additional 15-20 pounds (maybe more?) after graduating from high school but I stayed at that new weight for some time. I was chubby but didn't feel unhealthy. Once I started lifting weights more consistently in my early to mid 20's, I gained a lot of muscle weight. So much so, in fact, that I hit 200 lbs. (much to my shock) for the first time in my life despite being trimmer in the waist than I had been in years. I was still chubby (lol) but I felt I was definitely better off. Yet any BMI reading would have told you I was bordering on "Morbid Obesity". Clearly, I wasn't. But I also haven't been below 200 pounds since.

This is what drives my "weight loss" efforts now. Before, I used to look at going to the gym was a means to an end goal: losing weight. I now see physical fitness as a lifestyle and not simply a single season of working out hardcore. It isn't about reaching a finish line but it is more about maintaining a consistent fitness level which will allow me to be healthier for the rest of my life. I no longer see a visit to the gym as a chore. It is simply one other thing for me to do in a week. If I happen to miss a day, I don't have the guilt I used to feel because my gym days are not tied in with a finite weight loss goal. Now those goals are tied in with my overall health. It is a long term plan now and not one that is meant to produce short term results.

I currently weigh 205-206. I joked with my friend Jorge the other day that I'm officially a light heavyweight by MMA weight classes!!

My ultimate goal is to reach 185 pounds by my birthday (early May). I won't be disappointed, however, if I have a leaner body without reaching that target number. I would like to keep dropping pounds but I don't know what my actually body mass is, so I need to be realistic about my goals. For all I know, 190 might be my lower limit and I won't be able to drop below that without being unhealthy.

No matter where I end up this spring 2009, I know I will be happy with who I have become. I know that the result of the work and effort I've put in these past months (and those upcoming) will reveal itself then. This isn't a resolution. This is a change in mentality, in motivation, and in my lifestyle. It's one that is meant to help me cope with a body that is slowing down due to the aging process. By no means am I breaking down any time soon but I do notice a change in how my body works now compared to 10 years ago.

I don't want to wait until a doctor mandates me to start a fitness regimen. I don't want to be in a severe accident before I realize how out of shape I am. I am being proactive and plan to maintain this for the rest of my life.

So this new year, though I may have a finite goal for my birthday, it's all about my health and my well-being: physical and mental!

I'd like to wish you all a very Happy New Year 2009!

Until next year, faithful reader...

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