Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Life According to Twitter (or This Week's Recap via My Tweets)

Hello there...
To my repeat visitors, welcome back!
To the RaUM newcomers, ENJOY!

I joined Twitter a few weeks ago despite going months bitching about how annoying and useless it is. Boy, was I shocked to see how quickly I took to it. I love Twitter! Consider me a bandwagon jumper, or whatever other clever moniker you may have at the tip of your tongue, but there is something refreshing about posting a short comment or quote in a tweet as opposed to writing a passage about it on Blogger.

Lately, I haven't had the time to dedicate to a full RaUM entry. It's not for a lack of inspiration but simply not being able to make the time to type things out. (I know... it's crazy right?? Funny how sleeping is more important than blogging...)

This is not to say I'm replacing this blog with my Twitter feed but I'm in the process of finding the happy balance - the middle ground, if you will - between the two. I get my Mets news feed (and opinions), updates from a few select celebs (including my BIGGEST celeb crush, Alyssa Milano. I still love you and you don't even know it!!), and other random people whom I've found to have common interests. I wish I had more friends and family who actually tweet but it's no big deal. I'm making due just fine with who I have.

Well, without further ado, lets take a look at some of the more memorable tweets from the week (along with running commentary/explanations for some of them):

Be careful what you wish for: Spring weather returning also means killer allergies affecting me for the next few weeks. *ugh*
[1:40 PM May 19th]

Ahhh yes... Spring time and allergy season. One of the things I love best (Spring) and one of the things I hate most (allergies). I only developed these allergies in the past few years. When I was younger I was never affected by the seasons. And this year it seems worse than usual... *ugh*

I got a gift from one of my students tonight along with a very nice message in a "Good Luck" card. I feel so privileged to do what I do. =D
[8:58 PM May 19th]
=D Still makes me smile thinking about it! I am very grateful for the card and the Ralph Lauren scented candle. If I can manage to get a date sometime in the next 10 years or so, I may end up putting that to use... lol.

waiting in bk before heading out to philly
[1:22 AM May 20th]
My friend Jorge had to drop off his wife and daughter at the airport in Philly. Before you ask, it was a last minute emergency travel decision on a budget. I knew Jorge would get very little sleep (if any) on Tuesday night and I know how grueling the ride is from Philly back to NYC when you're exhausted. I decided since I had nothing going on Wednesday that I would accompany them so they could arrive in Philly safe and sound and J would get back in town in one piece. I had a HS classmate that died traveling back home from college one winter and sometimes that memory creeps into the back on my mind when I hear about my friends driving home (or anywhere) alone. Call me a fatalist all you want but Uncle Alan got to spend quality time with my fave little lady! =D

dude!!! Massive roadkill. Stunned me and somewhat nauseating.
[3:20 AM May 20th]
OH YEAH!!! That was kinda gross... Jorge and I looked at each other and had the only WTF faces! It was larger than your average roadkill but not large enough to scrape under the car. All we saw, in that split second it was highlighted by the car's headlights, was a pretty mangled carcass with a huge splotch of redness in the lane we were driving in. Quite a gruesome sight...

at Philly International Airport. Really wish I had my camera with me... #fb
[4:36 AM May 20th]
I had realized once I got into Brooklyn that I had just wasted a unique opportunity to take pics in places I may not revisit. As a passenger in the car for most of the trip I could have had my hands free to take a lot of interesting pictures. Oh well, done bun...

Two cop cars to pull over one car in NJ. In NY? One cop had 3 cars pulled over at once. That's what's up!!
[8:00 AM May 20th]
Nuff said.

Having breakfast with @gerlombian
[9:05 AM May 20th]
Got to shoot the breeze with the ol' bff.

carne... carne... carneeeeeeee!! starting it with my inferiors!
[3:42 PM May 20th]
Yes, carne. You know? Beef... I was sleep deprived after breaking night. This seemed hilarious at the time... Looking back on it... STILL hilarious. You had to be there!

Does anyone know where I can find a golden calf on the cheap? Looking for something to worship...
[2:00 PM May 21st]
To which someone responded that

Nice bright sun-shiny day... and one last final to give tonight before I bid adieu to my class for the semester.
[3:40 PM May 21st]

I'm on this freestyle kick this afternoon for some unknown reason... I'll be tweeting during tonight's exam FYI.
[4:58 PM May 21st]
Yes. Something about freestyle music and warm spring days that just go together. It's been that way since I was a kid and will not change even when I'm in my 80s.

Trying to finish up my next blog entry... hard to do that when my students are asking me Q's! I'm the one doing the asking around here! lol
[6:10 PM May 21st]
HAHA! I was busy writing up a RaUM entry and tweeting while proctoring my final exam. They probably thought I was doing something important...

And with that last person ladies and gents... my semester (in class) is over. Now on to the grading!
[7:28 PM May 21st]
=/ Time to bear down and get to work, I suppose.

@isamarchajon Thank you very much, sir! I was lucky to have two great classes...
[8:15 PM May 21st in reply to isamarchajon]
I was congratulated on finishing my first semester. As I mentioned in my previous entry, it was a great semester. It was easy for me to do my job with all the good students I had. At least SOME of them understood my sense of humor. HA!

Gorgeous weather in the Big Apple, Tweeters and Tweetettes (or twits and twats, as my friend said)
[9:59 AM May 22nd]

question: is it just me or has the word 'retard' reached the same level of taboo as 'nigger'?
[10:51 AM May 22nd]
I forgot why I thought of this but it's true isn't it??

I'm done for the work week. I'll be back in the office on Tuesday but will remain on Twitter (with tweets ribbed for your pleasure)
[3:08 PM May 22nd]

"She smokes weed with a crackhead because it makes her feel safer" .... WOW!!
[9:37 PM May 23rd]
A "re-tweet" of sorts. It was taken from a friend's Facebook status. Who the hell is he hanging out with?? lol...

I'm still trying to differentiate between comments that are tweetworthy and those that should be left in the confines of my brain.
[2:32 AM May 24th]
Still haven't figure it out yet... but I'm getting there. =)

Before I forget, the obligatory request to follow my Twitter will follow:

You can find my tweets at: twitter.com/agsilver51
Follow me and join the tribe!

Thanks for indulging me!

Until next time, faithful reader......


evspoetess said...

I'm a girl and even I get a woody for Alyssa Milano =0 P

evspoetess said...

I'm a girl and even I get a woody for Alyssa Milano =0 P