Thursday, January 8, 2009

Playlist # 6 (Freestyle Follow-up) + Driving Pet Peeves (the short list)

Hello there,

I've gotten bit by the "list" bug... so for today's entry I'm offering you the follow-up to my Ultimate Freestyle Playlist and a few selections from my list of Driving Pet Peeves.


I took you back with the original list of Freestyle songs... this one revisits some of the freestyle songs we all vibed to when they were out. These artists didn't stay on the scene long and essentially these songs were their only hits. Some you may know by song title, some you may know by artist (but I doubt it), but they're all freestyle hits...

This is Playlist #6.
These are your Freestyle One Hit Wonders:

Dzyre - Forever Amor
Laissez Faire - In Paradise
Linear - Sending All My Love
Taana Gardner - Heartbeat
Jaya (featuring Stevie B.) - If You Leave Me Now
Jellybean (featuring India) - Dancing on the Fire
Nyasia - Who's Got Your Love
Shana - I Want You
Stacey Q - Two of Hearts
Denise Lopez - Sayin' Sorry Don't Make It Right
Information Society - Running
Amoretto - Clave Rocks
Hanson & Davis - Hungry For Your Love
Nocera - Summertime Summertime
Company B - Fascinated
Pretty Poison - Catch Me I'm Fallin'
Seduction - Two To Make It Right
Rockell - In A Dream
Jocelyn Enriquez - Do You Miss Me?
Lina Santiago - Feels So Good


I know there are many MANY M-A-N-Y that set me off when I'm on the road. Stupid behavior, bad decision making, and general idiocy make up the list of my pet peeves. I will not list them all here but I will pick off items from my list and post them as I see them. There is no ranking or order importance to them so don't over-analyze and misinterpret the #'s of the pet peeves.

My Driving Pet Peeves

#1 - Seeing anyone on the road that validates my Three Group Theory! Just the fear of being around bad driving behavior gets me on edge with these folks. (Granted any of these other behaviors may - and typically - are exhibited by drivers in this category)

#27 - Signal blinking but not changing lanes or turning anywhere!! Seriously?? You don't hear the click-click-click-click inside your vehicle? Either put down the phone or turn down your music because you're being a real douche to the rest of us out there behind you!!

#18 - I certainly cannot and should not expect others to speed (as soon as I pass you, I will. You can count on it!) but can we at least COME CLOSE TO THE FREAKING speed limit when driving on local roads!! WTF is up with driving straight down a street at 18mph in a 30mph zone!!! I'd get it if you were turning at the next intersection but if not... move aside, grandma! You're keeping us from our destinations over here!!

#9 - Drivers who cut you off so that you can't pass them... only to see said vehicle passed by about a dozen cars that were behind you!!

#11 - Hiccup drivers. You know who they are. They hesitate and drive as if their car was hiccuping. Are they going to take advantage of the space I'm giving them on the highway so they can change into my lane? (e.g. There they go... oh no... false alarm. Let me speed up then and let them get behind me... WTF... you almost hit me you crazy hippie!!! Oh sorry... little old Asian lady!! Watch where you're going!)

#6 - Drivers that cannot stay in their God-forsaken, mother-f***king lane!!! The lines really are there for a reason!!! Pick a freaking lane!! (Sometimes these folks are also guilty of #9)


*sigh* OK. I feel better now.

Thanks for stopping by again. I appreciate you taking the time to visit my little digital hole in the wall.


Until next time, faithful reader.......


Anonymous said...

G, you forgot #86: using turn signal to turn the other way. Example, I'm going to Larchmont to skate with two finicky teenagers and some douche is signaling way to soon and it's to turn left. Next thing I know he's turning right. DOUCHE!

Qc said...

#2001 - Men who have to slow down to be able to memorize the crack of every female pedestrian's ass.... especially if she is underage....

#2002 - Men who have to slow down b/c they want to lean back in their car, bop their head to the annoying music they play (that FYI sounds horrible outside your car) while they stare at you and swear your interested......

#2001 and #2002 therefore slowing down the flow of traffic AND pissing off every pedestrian in the process....