Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The meaning of life... (on the blogosphere)

The other day I was talking with a friend about blogging and what it has meant to me. Despite only writing for 5 weeks now, this blog has come to be a source of comfort and has given me an outlet for my thoughts that I never imagined I could have.

I came to realize that blogging is much more personal that I first realized. It is also very cathartic. Yet, due to the very personal nature of the words, the author of any blog leaves themselves exposed, in way. It is a double-sided sword as the vulnerability can be very liberating and at the same time it can cause trepidation in future postings.

I can only speak for myself when it comes to blogging. Nevertheless, I think it can apply to others who decide to walk this path as well.

The conversation I mentioned previously came about as a result of a request for suggestions for this person's own blog. I felt this would be disingenuous to his audience as it wouldn't be HIS blog but rather a reproduction of someone else's idea.

Below are some of my observations from that very chat:
*sigh* never mind
if i think of anything that you can do weekly...
then it wont really be YOUR blog...
blogs have to be more... organic...
a reflection of who YOU are...
you know?
YOU need to create a uniqueness to your blog
it needs to be for (and from) your brain...
and don't fear experimentation
try something out and if it doesn't work for you... then move on to something else
if you work too hard to try and make a poignant statement... it usually falls flat
you DON'T need a concept...
that's what I'm trying to say...
the "concept" should just be the natural evolution and maturation of the blog itself
otherwise, the novelty wears off and what was deemed cute and innovative simply becomes a gimmick
the blog needs to have an identity...
but it also needs to be "born" out of the writing effort
not something a friend suggested... or b/c you have a weekly deadline to post...
I established a self-designated weekly deadline b/c for me it's cathartic
not b/c I'm trying to FORCE myself to write
even tho I may bitch about writing and trying to get something in weekly... it's more b/c I have so much to say and don't feel everything I want to say needs to be out there for everyone to read
so the stress is in how to limit myself but stay true to the nature of the blog...
THAT is my struggle
but, again, your blog has to be a reflection of you
cuz otherwise... it's just work
and I don't volunteer my time for bullshit

you see how you WANTED to write...
that's how it should be
the desire to write should come naturally.. and it should be something you WANT to do
(it also shouldn't be a DIARY unless you're a masochist and WANT to bare your soul to everyone)
for me... the general theme (and purpose) of my blog is to have a repository for random thoughts that occur to me...
I chose that specifically b/c I didn't want to pigeonhole myself into one topic...
I wanted to have the freedom to write about goddamn near anything
but with a purpose... to get things off my chest or to simply put my thoughts to paper (digital shapeless paper... lol)

I try and put my best foot forward
in terms of my writing style... not necessarily in content... lol

And ladies and gents, in many ways, this... this is the essence of what I am doing here. If you want to continue on this wild ride with me, then stay tuned as there are several things I am working on for me (and I suppose in some ways for you as well). Expect a handful of entries between now and the new year.

With that, I shall leave you for now, until next time faithful reader...

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