Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Crazy text

Hey all,

So a few days ago, I received what has to be one of the strangest text messages I ever had the pleasure of reading (and responding to). Below is the transcript with excess and, at times, unnecessary commentary:
Unknown # (6:17 PM): Are u paying the daycare or I am being left paying it. It's the bitch bitchin
[Clearly, I was taken aback as I have no children - that I'm aware of - so I clearly had to diffuse the situation quickly without seeming like the idiot that didn't care about paying for the daycare expense of his kids. Either that or just ignore it... but I couldn't do that. This woman needs to know that I'm not the guy she thinks I am. Then again, why am I assuming it's a girl texting? How sexist of me.]

Me (6:23 PM): I don't know who u are and I don't know this #. I suspect your msg was not meant for me.
[This seemed like the best option for a reply. But I wish I had been able to come up with such a 'clever' and thoughtful response in less than 6 minutes. I'm losing my touch.]

Unknown # (6:27 PM): I am the mother of your kids. Don't worry we don't know you either.
[AW CRAP!!! Exactly what I was trying to avoid. I could see the venom oozing off the phone as I read this reply. I had tried to make her realize that she sent the message to the wrong person without having her interpret it as her man trying to skirt his responsibility - and thus upsetting her further. Instead, I got the EXACT reaction I was hoping to avoid. *sigh* What to do now? Let her cool off or reply immediately?]

Unknown # (6:29 PM): Sorry so sorry you're right wrong number truly sorry.
[THANK GOD!!! She figured it out without me replying and making her even more upset. *WHEW* wow... I hope she can get in touch with her baby daddy and get her $$]

Me (6:30 PM): No problem. I completely understand. Good luck.
[Eh... I figured I should reply and let her know it was no big deal... for me that is. It's still a big deal to her.]

Unknown # (6:37 PM): Thanks I need it. :)
['Nuff said]

Lesson learned:
The next time you find yourself with a random text message from an unknown number, it may not hurt to reply and give some encouragement to those in need.

'til next time faithful reader...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more tmi (perhaps).. i once sent a txt (okay okay a FEW) to a mutual friend who i had just met and accidentally saved the wrong number (off by a digit). After the third that I had sent someone replied mentioning that it was the wrong number. But the reply was so casual and it seemed like this person wanted to attend the meet i had planned! Got me wondering if random txts are the new blind dates...