Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Believer

I was rummaging through some old papers I had stored away and I came across some old poems I had written over the past 10 years or so. But the one interesting item I found is actually not poetry at all but the recollection of a dream.

I recall writing this passage immediately after waking up one morning. Rather than writing out the details of the dream... it was as if I was doing automatic writing. The words just flowed and I put pen to paper. It's still surreal and dream-like (to me, at least... but only because I remember the dream... lol)

Hope you enjoy it.

The Believer

          "I believe that was a Chinese proverb." she exclaimed after yet another nonsensical statement. "She" was a middle aged black woman with a weathered countenance giving her almost an elderly look. Her hair was tied back so tight that her hair opened up resembling a mini afro about half the size of her head. Despite the age on her face, her afro-puff showed few signs of age as only a few gray hairs were visible.
          "Those Jehovah's Witnesses don't know a thing, but they good in my book because at least they believe in God and the Good Book." She tilted her head back partly in laughter but also to keep her horn-rimmed glasses from falling off her nose. The sunlight peeking through the bus window gleamed off of the silver house key dangling from the hoop earring on her right ear.
          "Oh, Judge Brennan B. Oh, the biggest mistake you made was when you took my baby girl from me." Shaking her head, she raised her hand to her mouth. With a delighted sigh, she savored what was left of the glazed donut she held in her hand. "Oprah can keep her chicken wings in her trailer. Maya is the one I want to meet. Oh sista Angelou. You are my hero."
          That last sweet bite of donut was washed down with water. She wiped her mouth with a flimsy piece of wax paper. "I believe I wouldn't be here were it not for my holy water" she proclaimed with donut crumbs flying in awkward arcs from her mouth. "Not like that Renee Washington! Everyone loved her. Never minding the fact that she was a PROSTITUTE. The whore had it coming to her."
          She turned around and stared me in the eye. "You know what I mean, sonny?" There was a flash of momentary sanity in her gaze that compelled me to reply with a nod. She let out a laugh that woke me from my hypnotized state.
          "I know YOU know what I mean, Mr. Bus Driver Man!" she yelled as she turned back around in her seat.


And then I woke up.

I probably could add some more details to this and touch it up a bit but this was what I had on paper and I wanted to stay true to the original work. Maybe one day when I'm feeling... inspired.. I'll fix it up and maybe add to the story.

I hope to see you back here soon. Until next time, faithful reader....

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