Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bad Habit and Coincidences

Howdy friend,

I've been really upset with myself lately for developing a pretty bad habit which had manifested itself first via online chats and has been more evident as of late IMO. Unfortunately, it has permeated my vocabulary and everyday dialogue. I now have a tendency to start sentences with the word "so". Perfectly capable conversation starters such as "How are you today?" turn into the ugly "So how are you today?" Normal statements like "I ran into John the other day" devolve into "So I ran into John the other day." (... and? what happened?) It may not seem that bad at first... but when every other sentence starts with "So..." it can officially be labeled a problem. I think it may have started as a nervous tic that I got too accustomed to using.

I'm trying to snap out of it. Occasionally, I catch myself when I use it and delete the offending two letter word.

Oh well... we'll see what happens... maybe I can also work on my two other 'problems': my incessant 'lol'ing and '...'ing.

*ahem* moving right along...

What was it that I was saying about coincidences last week when I was half drunk (*cough*cough* half?) and slightly coherent?

Ah, yes...

I sometimes find myself saying profound crap and forgetting it minutes later when I'm extremely tired or intoxicated. Both conditions require a state of mind that is different from the way I normally think.

This time I reasoned that there are no such thing as... coincidences.

I can't say if this qualifies as a profound statement or not because I still have lots of my life to finish living - presumably - but it makes for an interesting conversation (argument?) starter. I feel 'coincidences' are like signs on the roadway of our life. When we're out driving, walking, riding, etc... we don't read each and every sign on the road but every now and then there is one that will stand out and make you take notice. These are the times where we may notice the 'sign' while in the presence of someone or something that sticks in our memory. That is what a coincidence is like. It's simply the recognition of some seemingly random occurrence around us that we interpret as conveniently fitting into the present situation. Maybe it was just meant to be.

Coincidences are simply:
- just another marker on the path/road
- "sign posts" on our individual lifepaths

Granted, sometimes the paths cross with others. The road is shared and the "coincidences" may also be shared. It's not unlike driving with other cars on the road. You're not all going to the same destination but you may share time on the road.

Well, boys and girls, this is my exit.

Until next time, faithful reader......


beWILDerin_lyfe said...

I love how you differentiate "half drunk" to "slightly coherent"

Kasey said...

so i herd u liek lolcatz? i liek them 2
Coincidence? I think not.
Or maybe it is just the perverse influence of the internet upon all it can reach.