Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays and Thank You's

This is a special holiday blog:

I'm not one to get caught up in the holiday spirit but I felt this needed to be said:

First, I'd like to take this time to thank all of my readers for checking out my lil' ol' blog. I never expected to get any readers outside of my home base here in Queens, NY. But I've had hits in CA, SC, HI, MN, Canada, and even Italy. To all of you, thank you! I hope you hang on tight and buckle yourselves in cuz this train ain't stoppin' any time soon! :)

Secondly, for this holiday season, I'd like to take some time to thank some people for being in my life. I won't name names - sorry to disappoint you. =)

To those of who who have had my back through the darkest of nights and the worst of storms; to those who have been fair-weather friends and those who kicked me when I was down; to those with whom I've shared my greatest triumphs and successes; to those who have broken my heart and caused me pain; to those who have shown me joy and taught me to love; to those who I have known my whole life and those who I've met recently; to those who I have lost touch with and those who I have reconnected with; to those who have offered me sage advice and those who have led me astray; to acquaintances I've known for brief moments and to those who will be in my life forever; to those who overreact to me and my ways to those who totally get me; to the wingmen and the cockblockers; to my alcoholics and my non-drinkers; and to those who I will grow apart from and those who I have yet to meet...

Thank you for being a part of my life. I do not take the time to measure how big or small your contribution has been because, ultimately, without any of you I would not be the man I am today.

My hope this Christmas (and holiday season) is that you recognize the impact that others have had in your lives and that you take some time out to appreciate them even if it's in a small way. I can't ask anyone to be anything more than who they are. And for that I appreciate you, reader. Thank you for taking time to visit my page.

During this holiday season, may your days be full of joy, hope and love, may your cups be full, and may you enjoy the time spent together with family and friends for these are the moments that create memories for a lifetime.

To you, faithful reader:
Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Happy Kwanzah.

Until next time......

P.S. Be sure to check out the Special Xmas edition of the MCB on the right column of this page.


Anonymous said...

As one of the c-blocking, lead-you-astray types that kicked you while you were down, I am glad we still cool, lol. On the real though, glad you are doing well and Merry Christmas back at you and yours.
Peace- Frans

beata said...

Thank you once again for the hanukkah wishes.. although I am not Jewish. But I'll take a well wish from you anyday!! You're a special man Mr. Gonzalez!! Happy holidays!!!