Monday, March 23, 2009

Unexpected Motivation

I've plateaued at 198 lbs, y'all. I've been stuck at that weight (approximately) for over a month now. I figure my body has gotten accustomed to my training and I need to make a change in my routine.

Sunday morning, I was going to play soccer at 8AM - which I hope will become a weekly ritual and will be a great way to shake my body up a little. Sadly, I forgot to set my alarm after getting home Saturday night just before 2AM (early for some, late for others). I overslept and didn't make it to the field in time to actually play but I got to check out the surface (astroturf... that'll be a first), scout some of the better players (as a defender, I would like to see who I'm up against... I can take these guys), and got a sense of their style of play. I was introduced to some of the players and they know to expect me next week. Should be fun!

I may also have the opportunity to play 'enforcer' once in a while. This should be fun as well and would allow me to release some pent up aggression. I pity the first man to earn my wrath on the pitch - and I DO mean 'earn'. I don't lash out at fellow players simply for the sake of it. We're not professionals and we're not getting paid so I'm not looking to hurt anyone. Yet I'm not against policing players on the field, especially when they get overly aggressive with my teammates.

Last night, while hanging out with some old friends, plans were also set to play handball in the afternoon today. I had decided I would play soccer in the morning and handball afterwards. When I left my friends last night, I mentioned that I was playing soccer early so I needed to sleep a little. After all, I'm not in my 20's any more... haha.

Turns out my friends were 'concerned' about me playing soccer and handball. They reasoned that since that is something they can't do now at their age - since they feel they are fitter than I am - that for me to try the 'doubleheader' would be ridiculous. I was offended when I found out about this and now have added motivation to push myself even harder, both in preparation for the High Rock Challenge in April and for my continued fitness goals. I'm so insulted that I'm upset that they judged my determination and how DARE they question my dedication.

I am certain I will be insanely sore after next Sunday. The aches and pains are worst after the first time. But the body adapts and I know I will get accustomed to that level of physical exertion. I am also sure that there will be a weekend or two where I will pass on one or both of the sports to take a break during on some random Sunday. But I'll be damned if I sit here and let these friends of mine question whether I can do this!!

You know what drives me?
- At my age, things are pretty much going downhill. I'm even more convinced of the accuracy of the old saying "Youth is wasted on the young." This is because many things are taken for granted by young people, especially when it comes to the body. Once the body starts to slow down, there are two options available to you: (1) accept it or (2) balance it the negative effects of aging with added physical activity.
- The need to be healthier. This is where my diet comes into play. I don't eat as badly as I did in the past. I've eliminated many eating bad habits (overeating at meals, emotional eating, 'blind' snacking), I snack less often, when I snack I eat smarter, and I eat a more balanced diet. I, by no means, follow the plan perfectly 100% of the time but I make a conscious effort to eat well whenever I can.
- Finally, when my weight first reached 200 lbs. I was stunned. I was weight training hard at the time and simply attributed it to the muscle mass I may have gained during my training. I can't say for sure whether it was true or not but I know that it was nearly 10 years ago that I hit that milestone and it wasn't until recently that I dropped below 200. I don't ever want to be 200+ again. Simple as that.

Until next time, faithful reader.....


Anonymous said...

I didn't think you'd get really was genuine concern for health, as you can tell, when we've pushed ourselves to points of complete exhaustion, we've gotten hurt....(knee surgeries, serious ankle injuries, shoulders that come out of sockets) so we really didn't mean to say, "we don't think you can do this because you're not fit (or as fit as us)"...we meant it more like, "damn hopefully he doesn't hurt himself in pushing his body to extreme limits"....either way we trusted u with your decision which is why we didnt say anything the night before....believe me, if we wanted to offend you I dont think anything would have held us back from doing it the night before in public and not tell you in private like I did....either way we were just expressing concern and wishing you the best. Sorry you took it that way...

Random Musings said...

Later, I realized that the comments were likely made out of concern and not because you all felt I couldn't do it. My post just expressed my initial reaction to the comments/concerns. I did take offense to it at first. After all, I wouldn't even consider attempting to do both if I felt I couldn't.

Also, if I was exhausted after soccer, I would NEVER go play handball. I don't mind the challenge but I'm not planning to kill myself either.

I don't know what my physical limits are right now so I figured this would be a good way to test myself. I know I'm spoiled because I've never had any major injuries before. [knock on wood] I'm still planning on pulling it off this weekend, if the weather cooperates.

Thanks for your comment, Anonymous.
