This morning I woke up with gratitude for some of the greatest human beings ever to roam this green planet of ours. Without any further pomp or circumstance, I will list a few of them here.
(1) The hominid who first thought "Damn, those chickens [or insert any other bird] are pretty tasty. I wonder how those rocks that their babies come from taste.":
This enterprising individual is the reason why we eat eggs in the morning. [Note: I admit there is a lot more history that I'm blatantly ignoring here in between that thought and the cultural acceptance of our quotidian morning staple as a standard component of breakfast. Deal with it!]
For that revolutionary thought, Mr. (or Ms.) Hominid, I thank you!
(2) The creator of sitcoms:
This man (or woman) realized the vaudevillian/slapstick humor that audiences loved in person would work on TV. Mind you, this concept was not unique nor especially innovatiove as it had already appeared on TV in the form of variety programs (see Tonight Show w/Steve Allen or Milton Berle Show). This entertainment genius took that idea and asked himself (or herself, but let's be real here... in that era... only a guy would've been able to present this idea)... where was I... OH, yes... so this guy asked himself "Why don't we use this same humor in the normal, unassuming setting of an all-American household where hijinks and hilarity will ensue."
Thank you, Mr. TV Visionary. Without your foresight we wouldn't have such classic TV moments like the moment on Three's Company (Season 4 Episode 8: A-Camping We Will Go) where an exhausted Jack Tripper continuously tries (and fails) to get some sleep at a cabin that a friend of his has access to. He ultimately finds a hammock and creates the funny like ONLY John Ritter can. [Tangent: I miss seeing that dude on TV. I practically idolized JR when I was a kid.... dreamt of growing up to be like Jack Tripper and everything.]
(3) Billy Mays:

You read that correctly. It wasn't a typo. I didn't mean Willie Mays. Or anyone with a similar sounding name. I meant Billy f**king Mays!!
Why? Because from now until the day I die any cleaning product I will come across (no matter how REVOLUTIONARY it is and how much nano-technology is used) will always have me asking "Yes, but is it as good as the cleaning power of OxyClean?!? Hmmm?? Is it powered by the air I breath and activated by the water that you and I drink??"
If you have other individuals in human history that you admire, I'd like to hear from you. Please take a minute or two and type your comments below.
Until next time, faithful reader......