My drink of choice lately has been Tangueray and tonic practically each and every time I've gone out. But after this weekend, the sight of that green bottle makes my stomach churn. Whatever is left in that bottle is still sitting in the black bag given to me at the liquor store. A whirlpool swirls in my belly at the memory of that clear elixir pouring into a glass, sans ice, that was much too large for the drink.
Saturday started out like any other day. OK ... not exactly. I got up early to help a friend move, as promised. I didn't sleep in as I normally do and I barely had enough time to have breakfast. I managed to make myself a cup of coffee and grabbed half a bagel on the way out the door. It was a cold morning but the move itself only took about 90 minutes. I stuck around her new studio apartment in the afternoon to help put together some Ikea furniture and tidy up a little bit.
For a few days, I was needing an escape and even considered driving a pretty long distance to get away from it all. I didn't do that but went for the next best option... drinking myself silly. Long story short... between a game of Trivial Pursuit - 90's Edition (don't ask, lol), a 1L bottle of Tangueray, Key Food brand tonic water (it was all I could find on such short notice), and an empty stomach, it all made for a very messy Saturday night and a hangover on Sunday morning.
For those of you who are curious, I am OK now but didn't do anything really productive this weekend. I also missed out on a little gathering at an old friend's house on Sunday which I truly regret. (I hear the food was awesome!) I'll be sure to make it up to her the next time she hosts another event.
With the snow day today, I was able to delay my lesson for the day class but I still need to finalize my lesson for the evening class tomorrow night. I also need to make tweaks to the syllabus for the day class. Shoot... I need to find time to grade the first lab assignment they've completed, as well. *sigh*
Ahhh... such is the life of a new adjunct. All this, while trying to maintain some semblance of a social life. It hasn't been easy but I'm managing somehow...
I've got some things to get back to here.
Until next time, faithful reader.