Friday, February 6, 2009

RaUM: La Reconquista

Hello again,

Welcome back.

I've been staying true to the purpose of this blog which is, essentially, to not post anything if it feels like I'm forcing myself to write something. Posting an entry for the sake of writing anything seems to ruin the spirit of what I've got going here. The main reason why I haven't written a lot lately is not a lack of inspiration but rather a lack of time.

Much of this has been due to my indulgent personality. Once I find something I really enjoy, I tend to stick to it like glue. It's a bit obsessive, I know, but it's probably built into my DNA because I always seem to default to that. I often find myself fighting the urge to continue with the same old thing - whether it's a person, place, or thing - until I (1) finally give in and manage to forget about it or (2) find a new thing to focus on. Call me stubborn... or whatever else you will... =P

With my teaching job at QC starting at the end of January, I knew that I wouldn't be able to go out as often as I could in the weeks leading up to the start of the Spring semester. I took advantage of my free time by going out practically every night (there was a stretch where I honestly could not recall the last time I had been home before midnight). I spent the majority of my free time traveling around town, satiating my wanderlust with weekend getaways, keeping myself in good company, and simply enjoying all of these experiences. This has also forced me to give up pieces of the "old" me, for better and for worse. I stopped being a couch potato which is a good thing (though I still manage to make time for certain shows like Lost and 24, e.g.). I stopped blogging which, between you and me, is bad - for you and for me. I may have posted, albeit sporadically, in January, I'm sure there would have been more to read had I not been out gallivanting.

My current 'indulgence' is my teaching gig. I LOVE my new job!! I can't say that in enough ways to truly express how fortunate I feel to have the opportunity to teach others and to have found something that I am truly passionate about. Knowing I'm having a direct impact on others' lives - No! that isn't overstating the truth - is an intoxicating feeling. But that feeling is tempered by the understanding that after they're done with my class, they are now representative of me and my work. I take that seemingly minor fact seriously and I do everything I can to make sure that my kids come out of my class learning SOMETHING that they can apply in their other classes and in the 'real world'.

Now... I don't want to make it sound as if I regret how I've spent my free time. On the contrary, I've had an amazing start to the year! There is so much more for me to do, to see, and experiences that I hope to discover (and, in some instances, rediscover) in the near future. Though I did feel like I've neglected the blog a little over the past few weeks and didn't want to lose this part of myself. Despite my inability to properly manage my time, I will continue to compose my musings on my digital acres (brought to you by so long as they continue to be random and unforced entries.

Well... that's all I've got for now (FYI, there is another entry in the works... should be posted some time this weekend).

Until next time, faithful reader...

1 comment:

Urbanlatinfemale said...

"Now... I don't want to make it sound as if I regret how I've spent my free time. "

I didn't feel that tone in the previous ¶. You made it clear that you were indulging in your class, while keeping up with your friends. Your blog wouldn't have any content if you sat on the couch went to your two jobs and then came back home. Kudos.